Friday, August 23, 2013

Week Six - Day Two, Tuesday, August 20th

I've come to the inescapable conclusion that if the sun is more than 10 degrees above the horizon and the humidity is more than 80%…I shouldn't be running.

Got out from the firehouse and headed to Gregg Park for my scheduled five-mile medium run. Right from the start, it was apparent that this was going to take an extraordinary effort just to make one loop of about a mile and a half. This was clearly my worst run, and my breathing was getting worse, not better, as I have been finding is usually the case in the middle of a workout. (Why that is, I don't know. It seems that it takes a mile or so for my lungs to realize they're going to be doing some work, after which the breathing is usually far ahead the legs.)

So I shut it down. Instead if doing four miles Thursday, perhaps I'll do the five then, and my overall deficit for the week will be just a couple miles. 

Very disappointed, considering that yesterday's four-mile was comparatively a great run, considering my lack of sleep.

The debacle by the Bay.

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