Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week Six - Day Four, Saturday, August 24th

A scheduled 11-mile run, and a decent evening to run it. Reasonably low temperatures, and fairly low humidity. Because of the length, I decided to largely follow the first part of last weeks run, and eliminated the second half, due to construction and a lack of illumination along Whitty Road and North Bay Avenue.

This route took me up OFR to Todd Road, and I traveled the entire length of Todd, instead of turning onto Church. (The upper part of Todd Road is littered with some really spectacular properties, including, presumably, the one I couldn't see, because it was hidden behind stone walls and an imposing iron gate, complete with one of those remote call boxes so the dark-suited, sunglassed security could scrutinize you via CCTV before they permitted you entry.) Then I hung a left onto Silverton over to New Hampshire to White Oak Bottom (where do they get these names?), left onto OFR, and back down past the Parkway. Once past Whitty Road, made a left onto Vincenzo, where I gawked at even more impressive homes (think Italian Villa on 1/100th the land) - one of whom was reportedly owned at one time by Michael Ritacco, the recently (ahem) retired superintendent of the Toms River Regional Schools. Then I looped around on Vincenzo, and continued onto OFR back home.

Once again, I went out with water and nourishment handy, which helped in the later stages. I am finding that being hydrated prior to running is important, but it's a bit of a delicate balance, since options to use a bathroom are somewhat limited. At the same time, one can't depend on just the water brought for the run itself, because that's not enough on these longer runs. Runners World suggests a solution in breaking up the route into, say, five mile loops, starting and ending in a familiar place, like your house, thereby providing a handy place to get water and take advantage of the facilities. Sounds nice, but gets boring after awhile.

Speaking of boring, the playlist really needs updating. I'm just skipping the Nickleback songs entirely - way too angry - and the rest of the selections get played completely almost twice. On these long runs, I can probably add a couple of mellower songs, since I'm just trying to maintain a decent pace, without going all-out. It is a marathon, after all.

I managed to keep most of my breaks to less than two minutes, but now that I'm drinking and eating, which takes a few extra seconds to accomplish, two minutes seems to be the new normal. Until the last mile, I had virtually no complaints, and actually felt pretty strong around mile 7. This is encouraging.

The next two weeks look a bit more problematic. I'm working the overnight on Sunday, which eliminates an early Monday run, since I will not run when I'm tired. A scheduled obligation on Monday evening rules out a run then that day, altogether. Early Tuesday, I'm giving a lift to a friend from the firehouse to work, so I have to leave earlier, then it's straight to Newark on Wednesday. At this point, running looks like it will be confined to Thursday and Friday, since Saturday is a firehouse day. Sunday next week will be this week's long run, to allow for the days off before and after and another missed run.

I'm not terribly worried, though, as long as I continue to get in these longer ones. I just want to finish the marathon, I'm not looking to break any records. At least, not this time.

Ellie Goulding was back as the Nike Pep-talker, recycling the you-did-more-miles-than-last-week bit.

The run.

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