Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week Four - Day Three, Saturday, August 10th

Well, that sucked.

I know I complain about the humidity a wee bit (okay, a little more than that), but this was just ridiculous. Got out a little after 0700, and already that was too late. The sun was already out and wreaking havoc on my effort. Of course, had I actually hydrated myself properly beforehand, and brought along some water, maybe the result would have been slightly different.

Anyway, today's course took me in a slightly different direction at first. Instead of making my usual right hand turn on to OFR, I went left, to go down Walnut Street, looping around the school, then through the streets on the left side, before coming back down to OFR. Added about two miles, and changed the scenery a little bit. From there, I went to my usual segments on Chestnut and Mapletree.

Regular readers will know that I insert a one-minute walk break for every 10 of running. I'm not looking to set any speed records here, nor am I looking to prove something by running constantly on the longer trips. I'm simply trying to build endurance as economically as possible while avoiding over-use injury.

Today was one of those days where one-minute breaks - which I held to until about mile four - deteriorate into two-, then three-, then four-minutes sabbaticals. It was either that or drop from exhaustion. Maybe that's hyperbole, but it was that bad out.

Again, I fault myself for this. Hydration goes a long way, and I didn't this time.

This was actually the fourth day of the week I got out, but I only consider it the third run. Last Sunday's run was put off a day to allow for a day off before, and because it was a Sunday, I was looking at three runs in a row this week before today. Something had to go. One of the Marathon Jim's said it's best to get rid of a short day.

No Nike Pep-talker today, but the way I did it, I don't think I deserved one.

Today's tortured effort.

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