Friday, April 28, 2017

Let's try this again, shall we?

For the first time in a very long time (six months? A year?) I got out the door to run this morning. 

Actually, "run" is a rather grandiose term for what I did, but the point is I put one foot in front of the other and had both feet off the ground at the same time for a large part of a-mile-and-change. 

The other day, I posted in my personal journal how I had had enough of a number of negative things, and I decided that my outlook would be more positive. My thinking is that if I am positive in the way I view things, then things will be more positive. This isn't a new concept, though I'll admit it is new to me. 

One of my more critical ways I look at myself is my physical appearance. I'm overweight - though not nearly as heavy as I was when I got on the fire department - and my cardiovascular endurance is terrible. The fact that I'm 46 and all that implies in terms of metabolism is not helpful. Something had to be done. 

I've never been the kind of person to keep at something when I've experienced significant setbacks (a personal failing), and trying to bang out two miles or more, only to hit the proverbial wall at half a mile, does not lend itself to repeat performances. I need to enter this stuff gradually. 

One of the apps on my phone is Runkeeper, and it comes with various training plans, so I selected the Jeff Galloway run/walk method. Only had to do ten minutes or so this morning, and I did it so that I completed a mile. I did a local route that started and ended at my driveway. The only hiccup was trying to get the music to function properly, which didn't occur until I was done with the running portions. Also, I'll need to look into a different carrier for my phone. the one I have is for the bulkier iPhone 6, and I have the iPhone 7.

The weather largely cooperated and didn't drizzle until I got home and was stretching on my front steps, though the humidity was a little much. Took me about 14 minutes, and I felt pretty good afterward.

I've set a goal of losing 25 pounds by the end of July, which is doable, as long as I get my diet under control, not an easy feat. 

But, one step at a time.

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